TMS-9918A Family Differences
The TMS-9918A family has several variations that differ primarily in the video output format (composite or component) and frame rate (60Hz or 50Hz). There are also some differences in the clock signals generated by the VDPs, which can include the CPU-Clock and/or GROM-Clock.
The 9118/9128/9129 VDPs are the successors of the 9918A/9928A/9929A VDPs. These newer chips have improved memory addressing circuitry which allows the interface of either eight TMS4116 (2k) DRAMs, or two TMS4416 (8K) DRAMs.
VDP | Output | Frequency | GROMCLK | CPUCLK |
9918A | Composite | 60Hz NTSC | Yes | Yes |
9928A | Component | 60Hz NTSC | Yes | No |
9929A | Component | 50Hz PAL | Yes | No |
9118 | Composite | 60Hz NTSC | No | Yes |
9128 | Component | 60Hz NTSC | No | Yes |
9129 | Component | 50Hz PAL | No | Yes |
The only variations in the pin-outs between all the devices are pins 35 to 38.
=|1 U 40|= 9918A 9928A/29A 9118 9128/29 F18A
=|2 39|= ======== ========= ======= ======= ====
=|3 38|= ....... CPUCLK R-Y CPUCLK R-Y HI-Z / CPUCLK
=|5 36|= ....... COMVID Y COMVID Y NC
=|6 35|= ....... EXTVDP B-Y EXTVDP B-Y NC
F18A User Jumpers
The F18A has a set of four “USER” jumpers to set various options. Two of the jumpers control the GROMCLK and CPUCLK output pins to allow the F18A to be compatible with all 9918A family ICs. The other two set sprite and virtual-scan-line power-on defaults.
All user inputs have pull-ups in the FPGA, so a jumper in place will pull to ground.
Jumper | Description | On | Off |
1 | Sprite max default | 32 | 4 |
2 | Scan lines | No | Yes |
3 | CPUCLK pin | P38 | P37 |
4 | CPUCLK en | HI-Z | CPUCLK |
Jumper 3 and 4 quick guide:
VDP | USR3 | USR4 | Notes |
TI-99/4A | on | on | The 99/4A does not use the CPUCLK, but this is NOT the default of the 9918A. |
9928/29 | on | on | CPUCLK on pin38 disabled so it does not cram 3.5MHz into the R-Y circuit. |
9918A/9118 | on | off | CPUCLK output, GROMCLK output (pin37 is not connected on the 9118). |
9128/29 | off | on | CPUCLK on pin37 enabled, CPUCLK output on pin38 disabled. |
not used | off | off | CPUCLK output on both pin37 and pin38. |
F18A Pin Out
Any pins marked “NC” (no-connect) are installed for physical support only. Pins that are missing a use symbol (= > < - #) are physically not installed on the F18A. The function of each pin is identical to the original 9918A, except the ~RESET pin does NOT support the SYNC functionality of the 9918A.
NC -|1 U 40|- NC
NC -|2 39|- NC
|3 38|> CPUCLK (3.58MHz)
|4 37|> GROMCLK (447.4KHz)
|5 36|- NC
|6 35|- NC
|7 34|< ~RESET
|8 33|# VCC 5V
|9 32|
|10 31|
|11 30|
GND #|12 29|
MODE >|13 28|
~CSW >|14 27|
~CSR >|15 26|
~INT <|16 25|
CD7 =|17 24|= CD0
CD6 =|18 23|= CD1
CD5 =|19 22|= CD2
CD4 =|20 21|= CD3
MODE | in | host mode select. |
~CSW | in | host write strobe. |
~CSR | in | host read strobe. |
~INT | out | VDP frame interrupt. |
CD7..0 | in/out | host to VDP data bus, CD7 is the LSbit (TI bit-numbering from this era). |
~RESET | in | host system reset. |
GROMCLK | out | GROM Clock. |
CPUCLK | out | CPU Clock. |
MK2 Pin Out
The MK2 has all pins physically installed and electrically connected. The pins necessary to communicate with the host system (MODE1, MODE2, ~CSW, ~CSR, ~INT, CD7..0, and ~RESET) are all fixed-direction (CD7..0 is direction controlled), level-shifted and 5V tolerant. All other pins are either dedicated purpose or direct I/O to the FPGA and are 3.3V ONLY.
AUDIO IN >|1 U 40|< ADC IN
GPIO 8P =|2 39|> DAC OUT
GPIO 9N =|3 38|> CPUCLK (3.58MHz)
GPIO 10P =|4 37|> GROMCLK (447.4KHz)
GPIO 11N =|5 36|= GPIO 12P
VREF <|6 35|= GPIO 13N
TMS >|7 34|< ~RESET
TDI >|8 33|# VCC 5V
TCK >|9 32|= GPIO 0P
TDO <|10 31|= GPIO 1N
MODE2 >|11 30|= GPIO 2P
GND #|12 29|= GPIO 3N
MODE1 >|13 28|= GPIO 4P
~CSW >|14 27|= GPIO 5N
~CSR >|15 26|= GPIO 6P
~INT <|16 25|= GPIO 7N
CD7 =|17 24|= CD0
CD6 =|18 23|= CD1
CD5 =|19 22|= CD2
CD4 =|20 21|= CD3
MODE1 | in | host mode select. |
~CSW | in | host write strobe. |
~CSR | in | host read strobe. |
~INT | out | VDP frame interrupt. |
CD7..0 | in/out | host to VDP data bus, CD7 is the LSbit (TI bit-numbering from this era). |
~RESET | in | host system reset. |
GROMCLK | out | GROM Clock. |
CPUCLK | out | CPU Clock. |
MODE2 | in | provides 9938 host interface compatibility. |
AUDIO IN | in | accepts a line-level 1Vp-p audio signal that is sampled and digitized via the ADC. |
ADC IN | in | direct input to the ADC, no filter or buffer. Requires a solder jumper to connect. |
DAC OUT | out | direct output from the DAC, no filter. Requires a solder jumper to connect. |
VREF | out | 3.3V reference for the JTAG interface. |
TMS, TCK, TDI, TDO | in/out | JTAG interface to the FPGA. |
GPIOxx | in/out | unbuffered general purpose I/O, will be high-impedance with the MK2 firmware. The I/Os are routed as positive/negative pairs to the FPGA. |
Tested System Compatibility
The F18A has been installed in the following systems:
- TI-99/4A Home Computer
- ColecoVison Game Console (1)
- ColecoVision ADAM Computer (1)
- Toshiba HX-10 MSX1 Computer
- Toshiba Pasopia-IQ MSX1 Computer
- JVC Victor HC-7 MSX1 Computer
- Yamaha CX5M MSX1 Computer
- SpectraVideo 328 Computer (1)
- Tomy Tutor (1)
- SEGA SG-1000 (2)
- SEGA SC-1000II (replaced a TMS9118 VDP)
- Telegames Personal Arcade
- Powertran Cortex
- Memotech 500 and 512 (2)
Note 1: These systems are known to have the original VDP soldered directly to the system circuit board, and will require desoldering the original VDP and a socket installed.
Note 2: The placement and orientation of the original VDP in these systems prevents the system case from being closed when the F18A is installed.